School holiday programs


The By Hand School Holiday program offers a workshop experience that is creative, personal and bespoke, and allows for maximum learning opportunities for every student. Sessions run for 2.5 hours.


Workshop Program:
The By Hand School Holiday program offers workshops for both Art Foundations 5-8 yr olds and Art Creations 9-15 yr olds. The workshop experience is creative, personal and bespoke. Get together a minimum of 6 like minded friends for a private party. Days can be coordinated.

School Holiday Workshops: September Holidays 2023
TUESDAY 19th September 9-15 Years: The Art of Anime
Workshop 1: Please email Jacqui your interest and preferred date. Minimum 6 students. 9.30 am - 12 noon

TUESDAY 19th September 5-8 Years: Cartoon Capers Workshop 2: Please email Jacqui your interest and preferred date. Minimum 6 students. 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm Contact to arrange a day with like minded friends. Minimum of 6 students.

Workshop Fees:
$80 per 2.5 hour workshop
*Fee includes all materials and artwork to keep.