An extraordinary
art education experience

We are…


Hands on

The By Hand art program provides students with the opportunity to explore imaginings and express creativity in a nurturing and structured environment, with a trained Visual Arts teacher. 


The program is a sequential series of lessons where students are taught art skills and techniques using a variety of art materials. They learn about traditional and contemporary artists to promote new perspectives and approaches when making their own art works.

Personal & Bespoke

Feedback is given each lesson to guide and inspire arts practice. Experimentation is encouraged, with the aim to develop individual style. Each student is celebrated for their unique approach to art-making, creativity and self-expression. 

We believe…


We believe creative and critical thinking in the arts is a cornerstone for innovation. The process of art making and its ingenious and intuitive nature is a defining human ability that is celebrated across all cultures and civilizations. The human ability to create is a ‘skill’ that will be keenly sought as societies adjust to a future where artificial intelligence dominates the workplace. 

We believe creative instincts and skills can be nurtured and taught from an early age; and acknowledge the act of creating can influence the well-being of individuals, far beyond the walls of the art room.

We believe in a purposeful approach to art education where skills are explicitly taught, while creativity and experimentation is highly valued and encouraged. 

 Our philosophy & the five E’s of By Hand



By Hand has created an exciting art program to stimulate the imagination and promote creative freedom and choice when making art.

By Hand provides a nurturing environment that engages students to explore art materials, skills, techniques and art themes. 

Explore & Express

By Hand is a project-based program that is sequential and open-ended. Students are supported and guided throughout the art making process.

Age appropriate art skills and techniques are introduced for students to experiment, master and extend to their own arts practice.

The program delivers opportunities for students to explore identity and self-expression, while purposeful activities develop self-awareness, confidence and accomplishment. 

Enrich & Empower

By Hand programs enrich student experiences in the Visual Arts through creating, making and doing.

In a supportive setting, young artists are encouraged to take risks in their art making to discover new possibilities and perspectives. This develops a growth mindset and validates each student’s creative preferences and personal style.

Students are empowered through choice and the positive engagement of making art that is original and unique. 


Meet Jacqui

Founder & Visual Art Teacher